Call for Nominations
To: New Orleans Members
From: New Orleans Nominating Committee
Re: Call for Nominations/Application
It is time to begin the election process to choose those leaders who will guide and direct the New Orleans Chapter for the next 20 months, beginning on May 1, 2021. In accordance with our Bylaws and election guidelines, the Nominating Committee sends this “Call for Nominations” and Application to you to encourage you to nominate for consideration any individual who you feel would be an asset to the New Orleans Chapter in a leadership position.
Nominations Committee. The Nominations Committee, a committee of the chapter, provides for the board’s effectiveness and continuing development. The Immediate Past President shall serve as the chair of this committee and may choose to have up to three addition committee members.
The Nominating Committee is a required best practice to ensure that candidate qualifications are reviewed and that there is transparency and consistency in the Chapter Elections process.
Please review the nomination election guidelines. We urge you to respond on the form that follows. The deadline for nominations is Thursday, April 15 at 11:59 PM (central time). Please take advantage of this opportunity to give input to the Nominating Committee.
All elected Board Members are required to attend the annual Board of Directors Leadership and Planning retreats, scheduled for February 2021 and August 2021. Exact dates to be discussed with new board.
Official induction into office will take place Wednesday, May 5, 2021.
Term of office will begin May 1, 2021 and end December 31, 2022.
Please accept our personal appreciation for your interest and willingness to serve. It is YOUR dedication that makes the New Orleans Chapter of NACE great! Thank you again for participating in this exciting and important association leadership process.
Katie P. McNulty, CPCE – CLC and Immediate Past President
Please return the Call for Nominations form to Katie McNulty via email at